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Tuition NotesLearn more about our School Tuition rates and our Preschool Tuition rates.
Tuition is pre-paid each month and is due by the 7th of each month. After the 7th there will be a $25 late fee. Tuition payments are required regardless of absence due to illness, vacation or snow days. A non-refundable, annual registration fee for returning students of $75 is due upon enrollment. Or a registration fee of $100 for new students. This fee reserves your child’s space and helps pay for new supplies and curriculum. Field Trip fees will be charged at the time of the trip. A $25 late fee will be added to your tuition if you are more than 15 minutes late picking up your child. Exceptions for emergencies when discussed beforehand. Enrollment FormsYou can download our emergency contact and enrollment forms below:
Please help provide an updated immunization sheet each September. ![]()
Sign In & Out ProcedurePlease sign your child in and out with your signature daily. There is a teal blue notebook, labeled "Sign in and Out" at the clip board by the front door. Nobody who is not on your permission list to pick up your child will be allowed to sign out your child. Anyone on the premises whose presence is prohibited by regulations will be asked to leave. If they give me any problem 911 will be called without hesitation.
We have an open door policy. Free access by the child’s parent or guardian to all areas used by the child during operating hours of 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Washington State Department of Early Learning Staff also has free access. Holidays & School CalendarCountry Knoll School follows the Riverview Elementary School Calendar.
Staffing PlanWhen I am sick or unavailable school will be closed. I will give everyone a weeks notice before closure, or ASAP if I am sick.
RatioWe do not exceed the small group ratio of 1 adult per 10 children. We are a multi-age program.
Meals and SnacksI provide two healthy snacks a day. Healthy means no sweets such as cookies and cake. An example would be organic cheese and crackers, with an organic fruit or veggie, and water. No peanuts or tree nuts please. You will be responsible to provide a healthy lunch. Please avoid processed sugar. A microwave is available but please use microwave safe dishes. Glass or ceramic is the preference. Please keep me advised if your child has special nutritional needs or any food allergies.
BirthdaysYour child’s birthday is his/her special day to share with their school friends. Please observe a few guidelines to help birthday observances go smoothly.
1. Send a note to school one week in advance so that class time can be allotted and conflicts avoided. 2. Fruit, cheese, vegetables, breads, cookies, pastries or muffins would be encouraged. Please try to avoid cup cakes or cake with heavy sugar frosting. Carrot Cake with a cream cheese frosting would be a good substitute. 3. Chocolate milk, milk and fruit juice would be considered a healthy beverage. Multicultural CurriculumWe will celebrate Christmas around the world in December. If there is a special holiday that is celebrated within the diversity of our school I will send a letter home so you can also follow through with your child. If your culture celebrates a special holiday please feel comfortable to share information about the celebration.
Religious ActivitiesCountry Knoll School will respect and facilitate the rights of the children attending this school. There will be no discrimination of religious preferences.
Discipline PolicyI have been teaching children for twenty-eight years. It is my experience that children who are safe, secure, loved and respected require little discipline. We have a few ground rules.
1. Treat each other with respect. 2. Treat school property with care. 3. Engage in behavior that promotes safety to self and others. (No biting, hitting, kicking or scratching another child. No rock throwing, sand throwing or stick fights.) 4. No leaving the gated play area without the accompaniment of an adult. 5. No unsupervised field trips to the pond or wading pool. If there is a problem that can not be worked out at school I will ask for a conference with the parent/parents to problem solve and work together on a solution. Children, like adults, sometimes just have a bad day. I believe we need to look at the big picture. Is there a new sibling? Is the child hungry? Is the child coming down with a sickness? Are there issues at home or with a peer? Is he/she angry? Is it an observed behavior that the child is testing? Redirection, time timer, make a choice, take a break or time out, are the tools I use to avoid negative reinforcement of undesired behavior. "Take a break" is just like time out except the child sits with a book until they feel they can re-enter the group activities. In most situations I avoid any negative reinforcement. Other tricks of the trade are setting a timer to share a toy, using our words and natural consequences. ClothingClearly label all clothing and belongings. Claim all lost items by the second week in August, after that they go to Acres of Diamonds homeless shelter. Please have your child bring an extra set of clothese daily or provide an extra set of clothes in a marked bag to leave at the school. If they get used, we'll send them home. Please supply a new set! If you have questions about clothing, please feel free to email the director.
Minor IllnessChildren with a runny nose or slight cough with a temperature less than 100 degrees may attend. Temperature at 100 degrees should remain at home. If your child should become sick at school the parent or emergency contact person will be notified so the child may go home.
Fire DrillsFire drills are conducted and recorded once a month. Fire and emergency procedures are covered in our curriculum. Fire evacuation are discussed in the first weeks of school and on a monthly basis. Fire alarm batteries are changed during spring ahead and fall back seasonal changes, and checked once a month. Extinguishers are charged and checked regularly. The alternative fire alarm, if our system should fail, is a shrill whistle blown in a sos pattern. This whistle is next to each fire extinguisher.
Disaster PlanIn case of an emergency, the emergency plan on file for your child, will be followed. September is our disaster plan month. We will be sending home information on emergency packets at that time. The goal is to have enough supplies for 12 children for one week. A parents volunteer to organize the disaster plan intake and supplies would be helpful. Any evacuation procedure will be to the large movement barn or to Stillwater Elementary School.
Health Care PracticesPreventing injury is always the best solution. I keep a safe environment. Handrails on stairs, electrical plugs covered, no sharp tools or knives within a child's reach, all poisons or hazardous materials are locked up, a 5’ fence around the pond, and the walkways clean and clear. Please feel free to bring anything to my attention that you do not feel is safe.
I must have written approval from the parent or guardian to give a child any medication. This approval must not exceed thirty days. All medication must be in the original container labeled with your child’s first and last name, the prescription fill date, the medications expiration date, instructions for the administration of the medication, how to give the medication, how often to give the medication and how to store the medication. All medications will be stored in a locked box. All table surfaces, kitchen and bathroom counters, and diaper are disinfected with bleach water, before school, after school, before lunch and after lunch. Washable surfaces will be disinfected with a bleach water solution. Any communicable diseases will be reported to the health department. If any medication is administered incorrectly, poison control will be called. I will then contact the parents to inform them as of the situation and how it is being handled. If there is a medical emergency the parents will be called first and then 911. If it is a life threatening emergency 911 will be called first. I am CPR Certified to respond to medical emergencies and first aid.. I will apply first aid and CPR if the emergency requires me to perform. If the child comes down with a minor illness I will isolate the child in a quiet sickroom and call the child’s parent or guardian. Pet PolicyWe have pets at Country Knoll School. Please talk to your children about the importance of hand washing after touching the pets. Hand washing is required after touching the pets. Hand washing is part of our curriculum that is taught on a daily basis. Pets provide responsibility, nurturing, compassion and pet therapy in a child’s daily life.
Field TripsField trips will be announced in advance. Your written agreement is required to take your child on a field trip. When transporting children on field trips parents may volunteer. Parents may volunteer to drive but upon doing so must have a seat belt for each child or certified car seats for smaller children. Your vehicle must be in safe working order; a valid driver's license and current auto insurance are required.
If our field trip involves swimming, please provide a certified life jacket for your child to wear near and in the water. A certified lifeguard must be on duty when children are using a public or private swimming pool, lake, river, pond, ocean or any other body of water used for swimming. A qualified primary staff person will directly supervise all children when they have access to wading pools, swimming pools and other bodies of water while on school property. Parent volunteers are very much welcome on field trips and in the classroom. Early Learning LicenseCountry Knoll Preschool is licensed through the Washington State Department of Early Learning. Our license number is 134401. Our Provider number is #805205.
Public PolicyNO SMOKING: There will be no smoking on the school grounds.
NO ALCOHOL: There will be no alcohol consumption during school hours. NO WEAPONS: There are no firearms or weapons at this school. |